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Year 12 Fun Day

The Class of 2022 relieved the pressures of their final year with some mind-body wellness in the great outdoors.

The pressures on students across NSW as they prepare for the Higher School Certificate (HSC) are legendary and mounting. With the Trials safely completed, Senior College whisked our Class of 2022 to the beach and bush for some relaxation, respite and perspective.

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"The Year 12 cohort worked diligently in the lead-up to their Trials. They are a highly valued opportunity for students to show what they know and can do, but the flip side is they can create a pressure-cooker atmosphere of emotion and physiological responses, of which students may or may not be consciously aware. To a large degree, the high-stakes reputation of the HSC is a misconception, as there are many ways students can access their post-school options. We wanted to put the focus back onto health and wellbeing", said Head of Senior College Ms Santina Restuccia.

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The schedule included yoga on the beach, kayaking, hiking, paddle boarding (with more yoga on their boards).  

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“The research clearly highlights that being in nature significantly contributes to physical wellbeing and overall general positive health”, Ms Restuccia said. “While some Year 12 students were reportedly tentative before the event, they overwhelmingly told us afterwards they’d had a great time and were grateful to have participated".

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"It was important for them to come back together as a whole, turn off their devices and get away from the gruelling revision and examination schedule - a focus on wellbeing, social connections, memory-making, fresh air and sunshine! " said Year 12 Coordinator Ms Rebecca Rodgerson.